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Vote for Wright Gazaway to be King of Sole

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Wright Gazaway is raising money for Wine, Women & Shoes 2018

Fundraising Amount=$1,011.00 ; Goal=$1,000.00
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Wine, Women & Shoes is an evening full of shopping, fashion, food and wine tasting, and ultimately fundraising for Ronald McDonald House Charities of the Coastal Empire!

We can't forget about the Shoe Guys! Our charming Shoe Guys will be at Wine, Women & Shoes greeting our guests, selling Keys to the Closet and Cellar, and walking around with silver trays showing off the delicious wine and fabulous vendors! 

You can help us by voting for the King of Sole! $1 = 1 vote. The Shoe Guy who raises the most money will be crowned the King of Sole!!! A prize pack befitting a king awaits the King of Sole, including a crown, cape and surprises!

Wright Gazaway is a reporter and anchor at WTOC. He’s been in Savannah for a year and a half. "Fundraising for the great charitable causes in Savannah is one of the truly special things about our city. I hope you’ll consider helping me become the King of Sole!"

Vote for Wright to be King of Sole of 2018 Wine, Women & Shoes!

The money raised goes back to support children and their families at Ronald McDonald House Charities of the Coastal Empire. 

Donors and Comments

Anonymous  gave $10.00 5/3/2018
Kim McQuaig DeLoach  gave $486.00 5/3/2018
Cyreia Sandlin  gave $20.00 5/3/2018
Anonymous  gave $75.00 5/2/2018
Russ Riesinger  gave $10.00 5/2/2018
Mary Ellis Goodloe  gave $100.00 5/1/2018
Anonymous  gave $100.00 4/25/2018
Pam Keeter  gave  4/25/2018
Sally Morrow  gave $100.00 3/16/2018
"You are ANAZING young man Wright! Proud to call you GREAT nephew!!"
Hoyt Gazaway  gave $100.00 3/16/2018
"Great organization being supported by a great individual! Go Wright!"